RESTOPRO COMMUNITY GIVE BACK & APPRECIATION - 10% Percent Of ALL Service Work Is Donated To Local Scholarship Programs For Youth Educaton / Mentor Programs
RESTOPRO Is A Proud Member Of The Community Give Back, Alliances With Local Service Orginizations And Promotes Community Charity.
RESTOPRO Social Responsibility Community Responsibility - 10% Percent Of ALL Service Work Proceeds Is Donated To Local Scholarship Programs For Youth Mentor Programs
In a time of social expansion and vacating communities across America, Restopro has elected to take a strong community position, and Double down on the familes whom serve as clients, Our moral position is to be Stewarts for one another, and provide the moral ground to support and sustain community life, Our Scolarship Program and Mentoring programs will serve as our legacy of a Strong America. Moral fortitude has ever become a political football bouncing back and forth in most communities however, Restopro and our Loyal Staff believes in our youth and the generations which will ultimately be our legacy.
Restopor Additionally offers a Mentoring or Legacy Program which invites Any Community Youth to support or donate time into the community, Additionally our Summer Programs serve as an Ideal platform for Youth to mature and gige forward to one another, our Military Vetrins, Seniors or Disabled all Qualiy for RESTORPO Support and Assistance porgrams.
We encourage ALl Residents, School Board Members and Service Orginizations to Spread the Word that RESTOPRO is a Name which provides Charity, Unity, Patriotism accross the Communities of this country on our mission to provide Life, Health and Safety to All home and businesses in America.